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  • Writer's pictureEva Angophora

Deep Listening

What happens when we find the capacity, to really take a big step back- out of the anxiety, the rush to “fix”, the blur of information & news being shoved into our awareness every day, moving beyond the collective fear & into an eagle eye view of the reality beyond our human emotions.

Well unfortunately many don’t know what happens because the attachment to an emotional reactive response has too great of a hold, the grief blinds one from the miracles awaiting through the grief in that long slow deep breath & one never reaches the gift grief has to show us.

I was out in the bush yesterday morning just speaking with the land , asking for guidance, clarity, as there as so many avenues one can take to offer assistance through the realities we are navigating, as my programmed mind ran through idea after idea of practical approaches we can take towards healing the land - I was stopped in my tracks, like a big mumma branch just wiped out my mind so I was blank , and I received the wisdom I was searching for..

The message I received came through like this - a bunch of humans rushing and stressing on the Earth to "fix" the perceived damage that has been done.

Rushing, to fix. there in lies the problem. This insight spoke volumes

We tend to get caught up sometimes in the doing rather than the being Don't get me wrong - both are aspects of the same whole , but we can let our human mentality of "fixing" influence the doing and what I interpret from this message is that we are dealing with an intelligence far greater than our own, mother earth has been through all this before many times - so instead of thinking we have all the solutions (western mentality stemming from fear) - we must learn to practise deep presence (trust) and listening so we can receive her guidance & allow her way to flow through us birthing the action from that space of connection , the answer lies within our individual relationship with deep listening to the land. We don't need to get ahead of ourselves We need to really look at what is going on in the now that needs our awareness

We need to learn to how to be fully present again & delve far beyond the surface reactions of anxiety & fear based actions

White men came to these lands with the same mentality of building on top what is already there - "fixing" their perceived reality and creating it into one that suited them. Do we see the pattern in this fragmented mentality?

It is human to get caught up in the doing doing doing , Mother Earth asks us to breathe out the human for one moment and breathe in the being, ceasing to run away from the moment allows us to see all, which is confronting as all hell, but it is facing the Truth, which we must do in order to move forward and heal.

An Indigenous Aunty once said to me " we will begin to see the land change drastically when more and more people begin to clear the pollution within"

This sentence stuck with me, it makes every bit of sense. The illusion that we are separate of the Earth is why we find ourselves in this mess in the first place, once we begin to heal this mentality, we truly begin to reconnect with ourselves & the land from a unified view point.

With all this being said, by no means am I suggesting we take the action part out no way!

We just need to be aware of what is driving that action and ensure its not a product of our fear or stress but of deep trust and allowing the ancient wisdoms of the land channel through us.

Be present when working with the energies flowing through, observe, question, delve deep into the intentions of the energy, where it is coming from.

This simple yet profound practise of stillness & listening is definitely not encouraged as much as it could be within the activism community.

I encourage us all to find our deep rooted inner courage & be that stillness amidst the chaos, be that ancient oak tree holding its place of trust in the eyes of creation, rising beyond the fog society blindly scurries through, the more of us that strengthen this connection the more vast this consciousness will grow.

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